Making a mural

This is Anna, and she’s painting a mural on Thomas Street in Dublin. She was really nice and told me and my friend Margaret that apparently somebody decided that Thomas St. is too grey so the idea is to decorate it with many murals. I will come back there another weekend to see what she’s come up with.


Neighbourhood Gargoyle

I’m sure you all know at least one of these ladies, who sit in the window all afternoon and scan the neighbourhood very carefully for anything they could potentially be unhappy about so they can immediately tell everybody else about it or yell at someone?

I had an idea that when you do something very often in one place you and this place grow together, like this lady and her window did.


I’m sorry for abandoning the blog for a few weeks. I guess I needed time to figure out if I wanted to continue publishing my photos, and perhaps if I wanted to do the photography thing at all. I’ve decided that I find the blogging routine helpful (at least for now), but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep posting photos every day.
I haven’t been taking new photos for months now (except for the playground series), so I’ll just post an old one, back from the days when I was attending a photography school.